Friday, November 18, 2011

Choose the Best Foods for Vibrant Health

Hey, great, you made it here! Thanks for visiting my blog on choosing healthy foods, and other fitness ideas. These pictures are me after making a permanent change, and what I looked like before I taught myself about how nutrition and exercise affect the body. Trust Franz! It works if you set realistic goals and follow through!

I want you to experience vibrant health through optimal nutrition! If you are not sure how to do that, I hope that is why you came. Franz is here to help!! You can hit "my profile" and check out my other blogs too. And, before you go, please leave a comment! Ask a queastion if you like! I would love to hear from you! I can help you achieve the results I did if you will follow a healthy eating and exercise plan - no fad diets here!

Let food be your cure! Let it help you beat diabetes, heal your heart, prevent cancer, boost your energy, and burn fat! You can do all that with delicious foods.

These days, it’s tough to open a newspaper, turn on a TV or browse the Internet without hearing about a new discovery that proves how the healthy foods we eat can prevent disease and slow aging. But you don’t have to look much further to find the dark side of the story: the rates of diet-related illnesses and obesity skyrocketing to epidemic proportions.

What’s more, these illnesses which were once incorrectly associated with age are affecting younger and younger people. In fact, diabetes has become so prevalent in children that the medical term of "adult-onset diabetes" has been changed to "type II diabetes" to accommodate for this tragedy.

And it's the poison on our plate that's to blame!

Chances are, you or someone you love suffers from a chronic health condition. But that doesn’t have to mean a death sentence. It’s just your body sending you a wake-up call to make some healing changes. You see, your body is an amazing, dynamic machine. 50,000 of the cells in your body have died and been replaced with new cells, all while you have been reading this one sentence. Every three days your stomach gets a new lining. Your liver performs over 500 functions. In a year, your heart beats 40,000,000 times. And in seven years your body has replaced every cell in it.

Your body is constantly being renewed. And the choices you make today shape the healthy body you’ll have tomorrow. Regardless of your age or the "dis-eases" you may have, you will learn how to regain your health and ideal weight using the power of your plate. That’s because food is not just calories. It is information, cellular fuel, immune support, free-radical defense, detoxification, hormonal balance, and glowing, supple skin . . . . . all wrapped up in a delicious, disease-fighting package. That is, if you’re eating the right foods.

What People Like You Are Saying!

"Cholesterol Down, Triglycerides Down, and I Am Off My Diabetic Meds…in Only 3 Months!"
In 3 months my cholesterol went from 249 down to 199, my triglycerides went from 196 down to 100 and my C reactive protein has decreased from 6.62 to 4.5! I am off of my diabetic meds and am so encouraged at this tangible proof of the difference diet can make in our health in only 3 months time!! I am especially thankful for all the good recipes and resources to help me re-learn how to eat and cook available through this program! Thanks Kelley!
- Nancy S.

"This Program is The Answer to Our Prayer!"
I have just begun (within past month) to begin changing our traditional SAD diet. My husband & I are in our late 50′s and both overweight; just not feeling that great anymore and after lots of searching around, found this program and it has already been an answer to our prayer! It helps explain "everything" and is so easy to use. The few healthy changes we have already changed in our everyday food is absolutely amazing. Between the two of us, we have already lost 22 lbs.!
- Jan H.

"Ive Already Released 20 Pounds Of Fat… And Im Just Getting Started!"
Although I have had a few thyroid problems, I am basically in very good health. Because of the thyroid problems I gained a lot of weight. Through adding iodine supplements, changing the way I exercise and eating more healthy foods, I’ve already released 20 pounds of fat. And I’m just getting started!

- Stephanie R.

"Im Finally Doing it, Thanks to You! I no Longer have Lupus or Fibromyalgia!"
Twenty years ago, I was diagnosed with lupus and fibromyalgia and treated with non-steroidal drugs, steroids and antidepressants. Once I started taking these medications, my weight went from 130 lbs to 177 lbs in about a year. I have suffered from these weight problems for years now. Even after I stopped taking the drugs, it seemed impossible that I could lose the weight.
Well, I am finally doing it, thanks to you! I have almost eliminated the sugar in my diet, and have changed my eating habits without feeling uncomfortable or hungry. I eat less and feel better than ever. Oh, and by the way, I no longer have Lupus or Fibromyalgia (my ANA test was negative). Since I started changing my diet, my symptoms have vanished. And the most important part is I’ve lost 14 pounds and still losing!
- Dee C.

What Doctors are Saying . . .

"Your Books are the Best I Have Seen to Date"
As a wellness doctor and student of natural medicine, I believe that your books are the best, most informative, most physiologically correct I’ve seen to date.
- Jim H.

Wow…I am jealous...what a masterful job you did to put together a subject as diverse as nutrition and make it simple as well as informative. A big CONGRATULATIONS! I will be sharing your information with my patients as well as bettering myself.
- Robert C. Kenny D.C., F.A.S.B.E.

"I Would Like to Provide Your Information to My Patients"
As a prevention-minded family doctor, I have been recommending similar concepts to my patients and in my public lectures for 15 years or more. I am impressed with the total package you have put together. It is a comprehensive curriculum and reference library. It would be a great benefit to my practice if I could provide Healing Gourmet publications to my patients. If more physicians of like mind would make your materials available, it could have a profound effect!
- Ken Hurst, MD, FAAFP

Let me take you to another website where you can further investigate how you can use the Clean Eating Diet to regain your health and wellness! It's worth your time to research this further! You'll be glad you did!!

To learn about more ways for eating healthfully, to know how many calories to eat, what kind of calories, how to develop optimal meals for your body type, and to perhaps shed extra pounds, check out Isablel's site! The program is called Stop Dieting . . . Start Eating . . . and Start Living! "I love Isabel's program too! I have used her meal plans when I was stumped for new healthy ideas. I love her section on desserts! I make her healthy brownies all the time. They help curb the occassional sweet tooth, and they are loaded with healthy ingredients! Best yet, her member support keeps you on track by helping you to create meal plans, motivational blogs to read, great recipes to try, and stories of others sharing in the journey. Way to go Isabel!"

Other Useful Links:

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